
Asks the bot what flavor and version of firmware is running. Looks for a built-in (in GPX) eeprom map that matches and selects it. Enables @eread/@ewrite to use the named eeprom locations from that map.

As of this writing though, there is only one built-in eeprom map: Sailfish 7.7

;@eread «EEPROMID»

Looks up the EEPROMID in the current eeprom map, ask the bot to read that eeprom location and displays the result.



;@ewrite «EEPROMID» «VALUE»

Writes the value to the location indicated by the EEPROMID. The value can be a hex value indicated by starting with ‘#’ (#1aff20), or a float (with a decimal point 2.4), a string in quotes, or just a decimal number (only digits)


(@ewrite LED_CUSTOM_COLOR_R #7f)
(@ewrite LED_CUSTOM_COLOR_G #3c)
(@ewrite LED_CUSTOM_COLOR_B #4a)
(@ewrite MACHINE_NAME MrMachine)

;@eeprom «NAME» «TYPENAME» #«HEX» («LEN»)

Define your own eeprom mappings for use with eread/ewrite. The eeprom macro defines one eeprom mapping named «NAME» of type «TYPENAME» (B=byte, H=unsigned 16-bit integer, i=signed 32-bit integer, I=unsigned 32-bit integer, f=16-bit fixed point, or s=string) at address «HEX» of length «LEN». «LEN» only applies for the string type.


(@eeprom MACHINE_NAME s #22 16)