Asks the bot what flavor and version of firmware is running. Looks for a built-in (in GPX) eeprom map that matches and selects it. Enables @eread/@ewrite to use the named eeprom locations from that map.
As of this writing though, there is only one built-in eeprom map: Sailfish 7.7
Looks up the EEPROMID in the current eeprom map, ask the bot to read that eeprom location and displays the result.
Writes the value to the location indicated by the EEPROMID. The value can be a hex value indicated by starting with ‘#’ (#1aff20), or a float (with a decimal point 2.4), a string in quotes, or just a decimal number (only digits)
(@ewrite LED_CUSTOM_COLOR_R #7f)
(@ewrite LED_CUSTOM_COLOR_G #3c)
(@ewrite LED_CUSTOM_COLOR_B #4a)
(@ewrite MACHINE_NAME MrMachine)
Define your own eeprom mappings for use with eread/ewrite. The eeprom macro defines one eeprom mapping named «NAME» of type «TYPENAME» (B=byte, H=unsigned 16-bit integer, i=signed 32-bit integer, I=unsigned 32-bit integer, f=16-bit fixed point, or s=string) at address «HEX» of length «LEN». «LEN» only applies for the string type.
(@eeprom MACHINE_NAME s #22 16)